11 March, 2011

What a proper cookie for tea! Mischief Mari Cookies can show you how! I've spent ample time perusing the internet and educating myself on "all things tea". Follow this path to see the elements of the tea table in Regency times in England...amazing!
Interesting excerpt from The Georgian Index  the history of tipping: "Tipping as a response to proper service began in the Tea Gardens of England. Small, locked wooden boxes were placed on the tables throughout the Garden. Inscribed on each were the letters "T.I.P.S." which meant "To Insure Prompt Service". If a guest wished the waiter to hurry (and so insure the tea arrived hot from the often distant kitchen), he dropped a coin into the box on being seated "to insure prompt service". This created the custom of tipping servers."

1 comment:

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

I love that cookie! Hope you have a great weekend....can't wait to see your blog name!! ;)