20 February, 2011

Just a quick, Sunday night question...
Yes, that's the question... What's on your nightstand?
Take inventory of your bookshelves, add some books, head to the library if you have to, and join 5 Minutes for Books.com and me! Just to show I do actually belong to the ranks of literature-loving lasses, here is a REAL pic of my nightstand...
And here is a close-up shot of my books...high hopes of reading them all...yes, the actuality of it, not so good..
Oh, my goodness, my library copy of Pride and Prejudice is missing...here it is:

I am halfway through this one and will start Northanger Abbey next...Happy Sunday and Happy Reading!


kara lynn said...

can i just say i have been sick and i watched that pride and prejudice twice in a row. yes. i have been in love with colin firth since i was 5. fabulous right!

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

I would love to read Pride & Prejudice again SOON!

Right now, I'm just reading one...I fell into the Hunger Games hype, and I'm in the middle of Mockingjay, the 3rd book in the series!