19 February, 2011

I have been giving MUCH thought to the name of my blog (oh, yes, MUCH thought because I tend to be a bit of an overthinker). My French roots originally spurred me to select un nom dans le français, however I seem to feel it is only a part of me and not really reflecting the whole, if that makes sense. I am not going to author more than one blog, otherwise, I shall never leave my pc! Therefore, I would like a blog title which is indicative of myself entirely...that is the hard part. I have such a diversity of "loves" and cannot call this blog: Angie/Angela's Tea, Cupcakes, Vintage, Books, European literature, Flowers, Rain, God, Blog.... I could go on (really I could) but you get the idea?  (photo Yvonne Comber ) Oh, pic courtesy of my boyfriend, Bailey...shot at my school, Lamar University :) Yes, that would be me!

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